If a given relative gap from the best known lower bound is achieved, then the solver stops...
Generation of the (I)LP constraints.
The structure representing a solution found by an algorithm.
Instance of this class includes all the data structures and methods related to a robot.
RoboticLineSolverILP(Robot *r, const PrecalculatedMapping &m)
Integer Linear Programming problem is built from the robot.
VariableMappingILP mMapper
Mapping of both the continuous and binary variables.
Integer Linear Programming problem is stored in this data structure.
Solution solve(double relGap=Settings::ILP_RELATIVE_GAP, double timLim=Settings::MAX_RUNTIME) const
ILP solver optimizes the energy consumption of the robotic cell until a stop criterion is reached...
Declares a class for the generation of constraints.
An exact solver for the energy optimization problem.
static double lowerBoundOnEnergy(const std::vector< Robot * > &robots, const PrecalculatedMapping &m)
A tight lower bound on the energy consumption.
General model for Integer Linear Programming problem.
It declares the namespace for program settings.
void construct(ConstraintsGenerator &generator, bool addGlobalConstraints=true)
It builds the Integer Linear Programming problem corresponding to the energy optimization problem of ...
A representation of the solution that is algorithm independent.
ILPModel mModel
The energy optimization of the robotic cell formulated as an Integer Linear Programming problem...
The robotic cell corresponds to an instance of this class.
The structure contains the maps for fast searching in the robotic cell.
Mapping of integer, to be more precise binary, variables of the energy optimization problem...
The file contains various classes devoted to abstract representation of the robotic cell...
Maximal run time of the solver.
Mapping of continuous and binary variables.