solver  1.0
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 DataStructures.hVarious data structures used by the heuristic
 HeuristicAlgorithms.hThe optimization sub-heuristics and Linear Programming solver for partially fixed problems
 KnowledgeBase.hDeclares the class storing the best found solutions, tuples, and information about the heuristic performance
 ParallelHeuristicSolver.hA parallel hybrid heuristic solving the energy optimization problem of robotic cells
 ILPModel.hGeneral model for Integer Linear Programming problem
 SolverInterface.hSolver-independent interface for solving Integer Linear Programming problems
 SparseMatrix.hMemory efficient storage for a constraint matrix of Integer Linear Programming problem
 ConstraintsGenerator.hDeclares a class for the generation of constraints
 RoboticLineSolverILP.hRoboticLineSolverILP class, declared in this file, addresses the energy optimization problem of robotic cells
 RoboticLineSolverLP.hDeclares LP solver which deals with partially fixed energy optimization problems created by the parallel heuristic
 VariableMappingILP.hMapping of integer, to be more precise binary, variables of the energy optimization problem
 VariableMappingLP.hMapping of continuous variables of the energy optimization problem
 InstancesReader.hChecking and post-processing of parsed datasets
 XmlReader.hThe file declares XmlReader class which purpose is to parse and check XML datasets
 Algorithms.hUniversal algorithms like Floyd-Warshall, Golden Search, etc
 Exceptions.hThe file defines extended exceptions for the better error handling in the program
 NumericConstants.hThe file defines allowed inaccuracies in a solution and constants for floats
 PrecalculatedMapping.hThe structures and methods suitable for fast searching in the data structure of the robotic cell
 Utils.hVarious auxiliary functions used across the program
 Solution.hA representation of the solution that is algorithm independent
 SolutionChecker.hThe file declares a class responsible for checking of solutions
 DefaultSettings.hDefault configuration of the solver
 RoboticLine.hThe file contains various classes devoted to abstract representation of the robotic cell
 Settings.hIt declares the namespace for program settings
 ProjectSolver.cppEntry point of the program. Auxiliary functions for program help and argument processing